Periodontal Disease In McFarland

What Is Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Periodontal disease, more commonly referred to as “gum disease” is an infection of the gums. It happens when oral bacteria builds up between teeth gums and teeth, and begins to attack your gum tissue.

Proper oral hygiene is essential for preventing gum disease, and there are some other factors that may contribute to your risk of developing periodontal disease, such as smoking, advanced age, and an unhealthy diet. If you think you may have gum disease, you need to get help right away. Contact Lakeview Modern Dentistry to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kevin DeGroot.

McFarland Gum Disease Treatment

Did you know…

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Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in older adults. It’s especially important to take care of your gums as you age!

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How It Works: The Periodontal Disease Treatment Process

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Deep cleaning (scaling & root planing)

The first step of treatment is a “deep cleaning” also called “scaling & root planing.” This treatment takes two appointments, and half of your mouth is cleaned during each appointment. Dr. DeGroot will use special tools to clean bacteria away from between your gums and teeth, and smooth out the tooth roots to prevent further bacteria buildup.

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Pill-based antibiotics or antibiotic mouthwash are usually provided after deep cleanings to help eliminate the bacteria that cause gum disease.

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Periodontal maintenance

If your gum disease cannot be fully eliminated, you will need to come back for periodontal maintenance every 3-4 months. This is a special type of teeth cleaning that helps keep your condition from getting worse.

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Gum surgeries

If you have a very advanced case of gum disease, you may need surgical treatment to restore your gums and save your teeth, such as gum flap surgery or a gum graft.

Have questions about implant dentistry? Find answers here. 

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How Do I Know If I Have Periodontal Disease?

Usually, it’s pretty easy to recognize the signs of the different stages of gum disease. Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is usually indicated by swollen, tender gums, bleeding when brushing, gum discoloration, and halitosis (bad breath).

In more advanced cases of gum disease, you may also notice things like gum recession, which is when your gums pull away from your teeth and make them look longer. Other common signs of serious periodontal disease include pain when biting and chewing, teeth shifting, pus forming between the teeth and gums, and a foul taste in your mouth.

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Why Should I Treat My Periodontal Disease?

Because if you don’t, you will lose your teeth. Severe, uncontrolled gum disease will almost always result in the loss of most or all of your teeth. As the bacteria spread throughout your mouth, they will kill the roots and other support structures of your teeth, which will start to weaken, die, and fall out of your mouth.

So don’t wait. If you think you may have periodontal disease, come to Lakeview Modern Dentistry right away. The sooner you get treatment for gum disease, the more likely it is that you will be able to save your teeth and stop the condition from getting worse.