Tooth Extractions in McFarland

Do I Need A Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extractions are typically a last-resort option at Lakeview Modern Dentistry. We practice conservative dentistry, which means that Dr. DeGroot will always try to save your tooth when possible.

However, in some situations, a tooth extraction may be the best way to restore your smile, eliminate pain and discomfort, and prevent further complications. The best way to find out if an extraction is right for you is to contact Lakeview Modern Dentistry for an appointment.

Tooth Extraction McFarland

Did you know…

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Wisdom teeth extractions are only  necessary if the teeth are causing you issues. If they’re healthy, they can usually be left in place!

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How It Works: The Tooth Extraction Process

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Tooth preparation

To begin the process, Dr. DeGroot will clean the treatment area, and numb it using numbing spray and a needle. This ensures that you will feel no pain or discomfort during your surgical procedure.

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Pulling the tooth (basic extraction)

For teeth that are fully erupted, the process of extraction is quite simple. Dr. DeGroot will simply use some special tools to loosen the tooth ligament. Once the tooth has been loosened, he will grab it with a pair of dental forceps and remove it.

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Surgical tooth removal (complex extraction)

If your tooth is impacted and hasn’t fully erupted, surgical tooth removal will be necessary. This is the most common in wisdom teeth. Dr. DeGroot will create a small opening in the gums near your tooth, then he will cut the tooth into small pieces, removing these bits one-by-one.

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Cleaning & suturing the treatment area

Once your tooth has been extracted, Dr. DeGroot will clean, disinfect, and suture the treatment area to encourage healing. Then, this process will be repeated if you’re having multiple extractions.

Types Of Extractions

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Basic Extractions

Basic extractions are used for fully-erupted teeth that are damaged or must be removed for some other reason. Most commonly, they are used to remove teeth that have been damaged by oral injuries, or due to chronic oral health issues like gum disease or tooth decay.

However, extractions may also sometimes be necessary to prepare for other treatments like dentures or a dental implant. They are also sometimes needed for orthodontic purposes, such as to make room in your mouth if you have very crowded teeth and are getting braces.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth extractions are one of the most common types of teeth extractions. The wisdom teeth grow in much later than the rest of our teeth, between the ages of 17-25 in most people.

Lots of patients, especially those who have had orthodontics, don’t have enough room for this third set of molars. Because of this, the wisdom teeth may grow in crooked, lead to a higher risk of oral infections, or even damage nearby teeth.

If this happens, the wisdom teeth may need to be removed. At our office, we offer basic extractions for fully-erupted wisdom teeth, as well as surgical removal of “impacted” wisdom teeth that have not fully emerged from the gums. 

If you are experiencing pain or stiffness in the rear of your mouth, swelling in the rear of your mouth, or bleeding and inflammation in the gums near the back of your mouth, you may need to have one or more of your wisdom teeth removed. Contact Lakeview Modern Dentistry for an appointment to learn more.

Did you know…

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Wisdom teeth extractions are common. Each year around 5 million people get their wisdom teeth removed.

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